27 September 2011

I'll try again

I'm Ellen, Mummy to two crazy boys W (6) and T (4) and one smelly dog Vinny.

My boys are both at school full time now so I have a little time on my hands, I have decided to have a go at blogging. I have spent along time reading others blogs and really enjoy it so hopefully you will enjoy mine too.

Pretty flowers

First up I'll explain why I chose the name Magnolias and Mess. I set this blog up in April when our Magnolia tree was in full bloom and was looking beautiful. Then there is my home it is always a mess, largely to do with my messy boys W & T and not at all helped by my dislike of housework. Therefore I decided on the name Magnolias and Mess.

T helping in the garden back in April

I'm not sure what this blog will be about but I love cooking, crochet, gardening, crafting and being a Mummy so it will be along those lines.


Blighty said...

What a beautiful tree and lovely photos - lovely sunny day.
Good luck with your blog! I have 2 boys too, now 9 and 10 - how time flies! boys are the best! xx

Ellen said...

Thank you, I took the photos in April the tree looks beautiful for all of 2 weeks then all the petals come off and make a massive mess.

Boys are the best, though mine mostly just fight with each other at the moment.